Best available .com domains with any keyword
Save thousands while finding a domain just as Premium

Real Premium

Aftermarket quality Premium domains at registration price - is it possible?
Have you ever had the experience of choosing a .com domain name for a future brand and when you start to think of names everything good is already taken?
Choosing a suitable domain name is a particularly important element in the making of a new website. KW Ideas has compiled an extensive list of expired and available domains (including all existing and expired .com from the last 15 years) that is updated constantly to offer the most up-to-date and segmented choice.
Every good brandable domain name has at some time in the past been registered. It may be still registered and not available for you (unless you pay a lot at a marketplace and/or lose time to contact many domain owners). But it may be abandoned and available again.
Give us a hint of what you are doing/selling

It is a paid service
It is a paid service of $100 for a list of highest possible quality of available to register names. All customers have found their search results to be highly useful and satisfying to their demands. The market value of such a list is well over $1000 in the opportunity to invest in the best domains inside.
The list contains a variety of domain names that could be sorted in specific ways for maximum convenience for the customer. Such sorting could be done according to the history of the domains, to the length of the name (default), potential problems and more.
Just need a hint of what domain you need
In our database
In these abandoned domains in our database there are millions of domains registered by humans like you. There were choosing their domain name with their ideas, hopes and dreams in mind. These people were so many that in the end they though of and registered all really good domain names.
And this is where we search for your brand – in the thoughts of hundreds of thousands of people, many of them professional domainers.

To request the service you need to give us a hint of what you are doing.
Domains grouped by a keyword is a good start, because it makes the search for a suitable domain easier compared to searching for a wordless brand (eg. Shopify is easier to come up with than Magento. All good short wordless brands are taken anyway and nothing is sold below several thousand $). For example, a customer needs a .com domain to create a website for sport events and needs a domain that contains “sport” in its name. In this list he can find a wide variety of more than 160 000 currently available *sport*.com domain names to choose from, such as bothsports.com, sportalking.com and hundreds of other top choices he never could have thought of.
Sorting by length protects you from having to look at longer ones like nationalsportinggoodsassociationsportsparticipation.com, for instance. Or perhaps you wishes to search only from good history domains with SEO value and the list will be specifically sorted according to his request.
The service is easy, fast and very helpful and the team at KW Ideas is always available to give professional advice on the search and selection of domains.